Grazia Cecere a été invitée pendant deux mois, en mars et avril 2013, au ZEW «Centre for European Economic Research» à Mannheim en Allemagne pour travailler sur le projet de recherche :
«The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Energy and Resource Efficiency».
Ce projet visait à mesurer :
- le développement technologique et
- la compétitivité des entreprises allemandes dans le domaine des TIC et de l’environnement.
Project Description:
The term “Green IT” summarizes several aspects related to energy and resource efficiency improvements due to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). In light of increasing energy prices, Green IT has been facing increasing publicity by public authorities. However, among economists, this issue has been rather neglected so far.
The research project “The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Energy and Resource Efficiency” therefore pays attention to the impact of past ICT use on the development of resource and energy efficiency over time. This will be done using econometric methods applied to sector-level data. In a second step, firm-level data will be used to shed light on the drivers of technical change directed towards more resource and energy-efficient ICT goods.